It's been a crazy couple weeks

First of all thanks for all the positive feedback on my mommy guilt post- It is so nice to know we are all in this together and that I'm not the only one who feels that way. It's been super busy the last couple weeks in between diaper changing, running errands, feeding the little monster, doing laundry and dishes and and and and... it's been hard finding time for myself. Ezra has been skipping his afternoon naps since he has started teething bad again so that leaves this exhausted momma with a 1 hour period to really get stuff done. Which means I had to set priorities which I hate doing because I love to do everything and all at the same time and I just pretty much want to be super woman and sometimes I feel like I am exactly that and most of the time I feel like I'm closer to the opposite. 

But on a positive note We have been having so much fun exploring juneau! I can't believe that we will have been here already 4 months the middle of this month. Time is flying by like crazy!! Ezra is already seven months ( didn't I just release his 6 month post yesterday?!?) So here are his updates:

He loves eat whatever I put in front of him... I finally decided to give into baby led weaning I had done a ton of reading about it before Ezra was born but decided to go with purees for now when it was time to start with solid foods. It just made more sense to me at that point and now that we have switched to letting him self feed it is working out great too. Once again I was reminded that the beauty of doing my own parenting is that I can pick and choose what works best for Ezra I don't have to commit to just one style of feeding him much like he is exploring the world around him everyday I am still testing the waters as a parent trying to figure out what works best for him and our lifestyle. make his stink face he has just discovered. It is the funniest thing ever and he will just randomly make it too because it is pure entertainment to him. One of these days I will be able to snap a picture or take a video of it! watch and play with balou our dog. It is such a blast to see how these two are becoming best buddies. Their relationship has just now started to develop that Ezra is a lot more active and playing more by himself. I can't wait to see how they will grow even closer over the months and years to come. I never wanted a dog before we had kids but I'm so glad to see how it is all working out and balou sure comes in handy with cleaning up after Ezra's eating mess! do everything that I tell him not to. Mainly that means he likes to try and eat and pull on cables while he is on the floor. I have a feeling it will only get worst with his mischief... pound on his chest and make monkey sounds. This is kind of an unexpected one but so funny to watch. He definitely has his Dad silly personality

He hates... sleep. Which is no news. and it is ok even this shall pass. It's pretty fabulous though that is pretty much the only thing that he has a really hard time with. He has gotten pretty used to the car seat now and doesn't mind being in it so much anymore.

Other than that TJ and I are working with the 12th-15th year old boys and girls at church now. It's a lot of fun to do this together and has helped us so much to reconnect with each other. I'll write more about this in my next post.

On Sunday we will be giving our "we are new to the ward" talks in church and I'm actually pretty nervous about it. It's always nerve wrecking to stand up in front of the congregation and making yourself vulnerable by putting so much about your faith and experiences out there. It's even harder to do it in a language that is not my mother tongue and I tend to get super embarrassed when I pronounce a word not quiet right or loose my train of thought.

Ezra and I had a little middle of the night road trip last week while the northern lights were out.... that is one thing of my bucket list. It was so cool and peaceful to see them. I feel like there are not to many things anymore that astound me since I have already done a lot of traveling in my life and seen a few things. But the beauty of the lights completely overwhelmed me. I can't even quite describe it.

And of course I can't forget the best thing! My Dad is flying in on Saturday and staying for almost a month! I can't wait to squeeze him. I always miss him so much and I love that I will get this time with him and that he will get to know Ezra some more. He was only 6 weeks old my parents last saw him in person so he is quiet the character now compared to then:) I'm thrilled that I get a chance to show my Dad where I live now and the beauty of alaska! I sure hope we will get to see the lights and some whales while he is here. 

That's it for now folks!   
Love, Jasmine

This Kid is too much fun! The winnie pooh toy is his new favourite.


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