Sick baby:(

This past saturday poor ezra got sick. My brother in law jesse had the flu the beginning of last week and we tried to be out of the house as much as possible so we wouldn't catch it. Sadly it didn't work. Ezra woke up cranky and was feeling pretty hot by 10. We took his temp and it was at a 100.1. I called my sister in law bethany who is  a doctor and she advised me to go ahead and take him in to get tested for influenza. Since ezra isn't quiet 6 months yet he hasn't gotten the flu shot and it can be pretty crucial for a little guy like him. We went to bethany's office (my old pediatrician jessica works there) and dr. Larsen was working the saturday shift. By then ezra's fever had gone up tp 101.4 and he was super miserable. It broke my heart to see him so uncomfortable.  He did test positive for influenza so the Dr fixed us up with some meds and we gave ezra some Tylenol to keep the fever down. His fever continued to climb to 103.6 and I started to get super worried. He was really sleepy and did not want to do anything which is really unlike him. He also refused solid food. Once again I harassed poor bethany on her day off and she told me to keep on watching his fever and if it goes over 104 to go ahead and take him to the ER. She also told me to give him cold baths to bring the fever down and let's just say ezra was not excited about that. I took hus temp every hour and finally after a few cold baths it started dropping. He ended up being up till 4 in the morning with short cat naps in between which made me one exhausted momma. Seeing my little baby so sick was the hardest thing ever. Luckily he woke up sunday morning at 8 and already acted much more awake and more content. He went back down for another nap at 9:30 and when he woke up from that he was pretty much back to his old self.  I was so happy and felt so blessed that he was doing so much better.

I ended up watching the superbowl game since he was doing so well and was pretty devasteted after that. Well next year again hawks! It was just unfortunate.

Last friday my good friends norwin and karen burbidge took us out to tugboat annies for lunch which was delicious and I went I over to their house after that. It was so nice to spend time with them and gettung caught up.

On thursday we had gorgeous weather and I went to the park with elise, kiah and piper and we had a blast talking and playing with the kiddos. Elise tried to bounce her baby out on one of the playground toys which was pretty dang hilarious.  We stopped by normas on the way home for some yummy milkshakes and fries and piper practiced her big sister skills by pushing ezra around in the stroller. Those two are so cute together and I'm sure they will be doing a lot of mischief together as they grow up. I'm so glad for my awesome friends and that we get to spend so much time with everyone. Our move was so rushed that we didn't really have time to spend time with our friends leading up to it. I'm happy we have a few more days left to see everyone but also can't wait to get back home and hug and kiss my husband. I have no idea how we could stand being apart for a year while we were engaged. Only 5 more days babe!


  1. Poor Ezra! It must’ve been hard tending to her as she got crankier when he got infected by Jesse's flu. Although, I highly doubt you panicked as news of her sickness broke. After all, you're such a capable and nurturing mommy, Jasmine! Anyway, I hope everything's been back to normal by now. Do keep us posted on that. Thanks for sharing, and all the best to you! :)

    Candace Hudson @ MedCare


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