Oly adventures and awesome news!

Hey there- we are here in oly WA and enjoying sometime with family and friends.
Flying alone with Ezra was great. He was such a little trooper and it helped that the seat next to me was empty so he had some room to play. We arrived tuesday a week ago and then had our appointment at seattle children's on friday. My dear friend karen offered to give us a ride up there so I could entertain ezra which turned out to be a huge blessing since it took us 3 hours to get home in traffic which is normally a 1 hour drive. We arrived there an hour before our appointment and grabbed some lunch really quick.

After check in at the hospital I was quite nervous but once the nurse called ezra's name I was just glad to get some answers. We have been worried about his flatspot (plagiocephaly) since birth. The nurse was funny and quirky which made me feel comfortable immediately- yay for awesome nurses!!
They took all of ezra's statuses which were 66.71cm/ 26.26 in for his height (44.7%), 9.72kg/21.34lbs weight  (99%) and 45.8cm/18.03 inch head circumference (98.8%) needless to say he is a BIG boy! Future quarterback anyone? ?
The doctor came in and looked at him  and asked me a few questions and then told me that at this point his flatspot won't affect his eyesight or hearing or do any other damage to him other than being a cosmetic eyesore (if you can even call that because I think ezra is pretty perfect!) Which means he won't need the helmet!! I was so relieved and happy to hear that. She suggested to keep on doing physiotherapy to help both with his torticollis and plagiocephaly and then we were good to go. I called Tj right away to share the good news and couldn't stop smiling all day long! 

On the way back we stopped at the cheesecake factory to escape the horrible traffic for a while and so ezra could get out of the carseat and nurse.
I'm so proud of him for being such a good sport all that day it just made the day even more perfect.

Other than that we did some baby shopping at the carter's outlet here in centralia since ezra is once again outgrowing his clothes, spent sometime with my friends elise and kiah and have been enjoying all the daylight we have been getting here compared to juneau. Most of all we have been missing Tj terribly. We are flying home on the 6th so we still have a few days left and are patiently waiting for elise's baby girl to arrive. I'm so grateful that we will get to see her before we leave. I'll add some pictures once we get home and I have a laptop available. That's it for now:)


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