Who cares?

Well it has been a while folks! But you will have to forgive me because this post isn't going to be just about my adorable family because frankly not much has been happening around here.

The last two days I have stumbled across two to me kind of ridiculous articles:
The first one is this one about not calling your pets babies:

And this one about covering up while nursing:

Both of these articles made me chuckle because they are absolutely absurd to me.

I love our balou and I do call him my fur baby and guess what it is not meant as an insult to mom's! and yes I have given birth too ( except that I had a c-section which some other article said that that is not really giving birth- even though I dilated to a 10 and pushed for 2 hours but what do I know). And I'm sorry but if you are offended by that I'm extremly and utterly happy for you because if that is the biggest of your worries or reasons to be offended than I'm convinced that your life is a  full and happy life without of the tons of daily struggles that most of us have like worrying about our budget for the month, medical bills, sickness , other family members that are struggling or so on. Good for you! I do want to add though that being offended is a choice so why not choose to just not be offended and be grateful that those fur babies have loving and devoted owners? I'm sure all those cute puppies and kittens stuck in animal shelters or on the street would love some human parents ( I wonder if they will be offended that I suggest their owner's are their parents?)

To the second article I get it you don't want to see my boob and frankly I'm grateful for that. But guess what? My husband and I don't want to see lingerie advertisement or hollister posters with half naked people and we don't get a choice sometimes. What we do get to decide is to look in the other direction and hopefully their won't be another picture of that matter (but yes those not covering nursing mama's are such a plague that I'm sure that will be a huge struggle). And completely besides the point but just to add my two cents in lady yes it is that hard to cover up! My squirmy 11 month old doesn't appreciate to have his view or his food blocked and frankly I show less just nursing him without a cover than when I try to wrestle a cover and have him lift it up , unlatch and give an unplanned peep show to the rest of the world. So yes I will continue to nurse without a cover while still being as modest as possible ( I can cover my boob with my hand when my baby isn't eating, double layering shirts and so on...).

My whole point about writing about those two articles is we get a choice in a lot of things and those things that are put on us without our consent there are often ways to still avoid it somehow and to be blunt I simply don't care. I don't care if you cover or not, I don't care if it is your fur baby or occassional little satan, I don't care if you are black, white or purple, straight or gay, a man dressing up as a women or a chicken dressing up as a dragon. I believe that if I choose not to be offended by the things that don't really matter to me my life is easier and less stressful and I also believe in trying to get things right in my own little world before fixing everyone elses. But most of all I believe in a loving heavenly father that loves everyone and that asks of me to do the same and that the energy I can spend on hating, arguing, getting upset and frustrated I might as well invest in trying to love everyone around me and agreeing to disagree. Wouldn't the world be a better and happier place like that? Wouldn't it be nice if social media and blogs would be flooded with loving devotions to people that impress and move us instead of people that upset and frustrate us. I hope that we can all start caring and try to change the things that need to be changed and try to make a positive impact wherever we can so that if each of us just makes this world full of violence and hate just a little bit more a place of love, understanding and tolerance. I know I still have a long ways to go myself.


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