rising above.

It has been a long time since I took time to write a new post. A lot has changed. We no longer live in Juneau. Things weren't working out for us as a family there and we are back in WA now living with my mother-in-law for the time being. I thought about writing a lot of times but kept on pushing it back making up excuses.

Truth is I'm human. I'm more than happy to share when things are going well and I feel like I'm moving forward. It's a lot harder to do that when life throws me a curveball and things aren't going the way I planned them to. It's a lot harder to be vulnerable.

When we moved to Juneau we took a big risk as a family and it never crossed our minds that it might not pay off. Even though Juneau gave us many challenges we still felt in control. When it turned out that we would be leaving Juneau I started feeling so lost and still do on many days. Out of all the moves we have had so far this move back to WA has been the toughest on me emotionally. I think partially because I felt defeated and partially because I had just started enjoying my life there. I still miss my wonderful friends and great co-workers a lot.

But....I want to be done grieving Juneau and our life there and move forward. What makes TJ and me a great team is that whenever we are faced with adversity we come out stronger and closer to each other at the end of it. We see each other through the hard times and this will be no different. We know that all in life has a purpose and that even if we don't understand why we had to go to Juneau. I think the only real regrets in my short life so far are the what if's... and this would have been a huge what if, if we wouldn't have followed this opportunity that I'm sure we would have regretted much more than the consequences we are dealing with now.

I have decided it is time for me to rise above. I no longer want to question us moving there. I no longer want to miss the house that we ended up not buying here in WA that I was so in love with. I no longer want to worry about where we will go from here because there will always be a way to move on.

I want to rise above all those circumstances that are making life very hard for us right now.

I want to start 2016 off right, letting go of frustration anger and doubts.

So much happened in the last year and I'm ready to only hold on to the positive...seeing my sweet little baby turn into a boy, meeting some wonderful human beings, learning so much about myself and the strength that is within me. Loving my husband even more.

So what am I looking forward to in 2016 (in no particular order):

1. Lots of laughter with my amazing family
2. Visiting my parents and showing ezra where his momma grew up.
3. Holding my loved ones close and dear...crying with my good and friends and laughing with them all at the same time (hint hint kiah koski)
4. Hours and hours of walking and talking  ( with my girl elise katwijk) and hearing ezra say more and more words each day.
5. Growing my usborne book business and promoting literacy
6. Reading the same books over and over again to ezra (see point 5)
7. Getting slobbery balou kisses
8. Dancing in the rain ...or kitchen with TJ
9. Getting out of debt
10. Being just a little bit better, wiser, more humble, appreciative and loving than I was in 2015

What are you looking forward to this year?


  1. Love you Jasmine! I'm sorry things didn't work out in Juneau, but selfishly I'm glad to have my friend back! I can't wait to see what exciting things are in store for you guys this year. You'll be blessed for enduring your trials with faith and preserverance. I'm always here for you, through the good and the bad! <3

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad we are back to I just wished for a long time that it wouldn't have been under the circumstances it was or that we just wouldn't have gone in the first place;) I'm so glad to have an amazing friend like you that is always there for me! Without my friends or family this trial would have been a lot harder that it already was and it humbles me to see how blessed we are with the people in our lives and to see how loved we are:)

  2. Love you, Jazmataz! I picked up on the hint ;$ I'm glad you are back, and one of my "resolutions" is to make it up there more often! Even if I end up crying ;) hehe.

  3. I just love you women and am so grateful for the strong role models you are to me and the amazing friends I found in you. I couldn't wish for a better village :)

  4. I just love you women and am so grateful for the strong role models you are to me and the amazing friends I found in you. I couldn't wish for a better village :)


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