Cherish the now
Today I had my usual wake up. At least somewhat usual I woke up to ezra snuggling next to me nudging to get out of bed and getting our day started. I stumbled over the toys that were scattered all over the living room floor as I was caring ezra to his room to get him changed. My feet were sticking a little bit to my way too dirty kitchen floor as I sat ezra on his just as dirty highchair looking for a knife in between all the dirty dishes to get him some breakfast ready. Bottom line is my whole family including me make a mess faster than I can clean it up and that is exhausting and frustrating sometime. But than a thought passed through my mind that made me so sad that I cheered up immediately. One day I will wake up to a laundry basket that is only half full instead of overflowing since it is only me and Tj. One day I won't have tiny sticky fingerprints to wipe of my cabinets or at least not as much on a regular basis as now. One day I won't have a hungry baby wake me up anymore. One day I won't have dirty dishes taking over my kitchen. One day I won't have tiny arms wrapped around me as I'm wiping away a few tears. One day I will wear clothes that are not covered in food, snot and spit up stains.
But one day isn't now and I'm sure when one day will come I will find joy and peace in that. But for now I just want to cherish today. Cherish how much Ezra needs me. Cherish the never ending mess and cherish the love and laughter that fills my home through this tiny person. Cherish that I'm needed and living in the here and now giving that baby all my love and attention. On that note ezra needs so I'll write you later!
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