Flying with little kids 2.0...

When you think of flying ALONE (!!!) with two kids under the age of 5 and not only for a quick trip to a few states over but to let's say...Switzerland halfway across the world do you get sweaty palms, maybe a little bit heavier breathing and just feel a little claustrophobic all around? I know I do!! This december I'll be flying for the second time this year to Switzerland with an 18 month old and 4 year old all by myself. (We visited there in february/ march this year for 7 weeks). Last time we flew I only flew the way there by myself, so I had the reassurance that if that trip was a disaster, my dad would at least be there with me on the way home to help out. This time it will be just me and the kids both ways. Both trips there and back ended up going fairly well last time, although I had to drag both kids and all our carry on luggage clear across one of Europe's biggest and busiest Airports (Frankfurt) without a stroller since they checked it clear to Switzerland an...