Working momma over here!

Hey there. I have started work at the gallery I interviewed for and it is actually a lot of fun. I only work every other evening from 4-6 right now and every other saturday till summer will start and I will work longer hours. It is a lot of fun getting to know my co-workers, talking to costumers and learning the ropes of working in a retail store. Ezra cried pretty hard the first time I left him with his new babysitter. It made me sad since I had fun going to work and getting some me time. Last Monday I left him with my friend kristen who has a 10 month and 4 year old and he was happy there. I'm sure it just takes him some time to get adjusted and I know it is so good for him to play with those other kiddos.

Yesterday was a super fun family day for us. Tj was off work so we went to the pool for the first time with Ezra and he had an absolute blast. Pool trips are definitely on our monthly activity list now. We had the missionaries from our church over for lunch and at 4 I had to leave for work. We have a lot of new inventory coming in so I've been labeling a lot of things. I guess Ezra was a little fussy while I was at work and Tj was with him but it seemed like he was just overly tired. Since I was pretty tired myself I decided to call it an early night. We have recently started a night time ritual for Ezra that includes getting him changed into his disposable diaper (we use cloth during the day) getting his jammies on, brushing his teeth, singing one or two songs and reading a few books, then we turn on some classical music and he gets to nurse. It has made bedtime so peaceful and has helped fall asleep really easily and it helps me relax from whatever happened during the day and just focus on him and have some good quality time. I find especially now that Tj and I are both working it is so important to slow down and just have a lot of one on one time with the little monkey. I have also started my own fitness challenge and try to at least have on physically active activity a day and have one filling lunch instead of 5 snacks to hold me over till dinner. Well ezra is up from his nap and looking at me all patient to get up with him:) I hope you all have an awesome day!


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